Development and Implementation of Additional Infrastructures of Tribhuvan International Airport as per TIA Master Plan 2015 (Design and Construction Supervision)

air8 air9 air10

Client: Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)
Funding Agency: CAAN
Period: September 2008 to June 2012
Consulting Association: GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd, JOSHI Associates JV
Approx. Value of Services: Total NRs 15.92 million, GEOCE’s part- NRs 10.35 million
Professional Staff Input: National (120) person months, GEOCE’s part (110) person months

Salient Details

The Project was to develop additional infrastructures as per TIA Master Plan 2015 to enhance operational capacity of TIA. The consulting assignment was divided into two phases. Phase I: Design Phase comprised design of additional infrastructures – expansion of international apron (second phase); expansion and strengthening of domestic apron; aircraft maintenance base, hangar area and exit taxiways; and temporary domestic terminal building – divided in to 4 packages. Phase II: Construction Phase comprised of construction supervision of overlay of runway and taxiways; and first phase expansion of international apron.

Main services provided include:

Phase I: Design Phase

  • Engineering surveys and DTM preparation, airport inventory survey and assessment of existing facilities to be affected by proposed development; soil and pavement investigation; construction materials survey
  • Review TIA Master Plan 2015; review and update air traffic projection based on 2008 data at TIA
  • Define Design criteria – Facilities to upgrade TIA to Category E  as per ICAO, Design Aircraft – Boeing 777-300
  • Planning and development of alternative layouts of proposed additional infrastructures (in 4 packages)
  • Options study, preliminary design and selection of layouts (of additional  infrastructures) for detail design
  • Detail design of additional infrastructures – (i) Package  1: Expansion of International Aircraft Apron (Phase 2) to enable additional parking  stands for international jet aircrafts-comprising 13000 sqm of rigid pavement and associated work; (ii) Package 2: Expansion and  Strengthening of Domestic Aircraft Apron – to serve additional parking for domestic aircrafts and to become part of future international apron-comprising site development (183,000 sqm), parallel taxiway (at 182.5 m from runway center line) and two exit taxiways, apron and equipment yard – total 48,000 sqm heavy duty asphalt concrete and 74,000 sqm  cement concrete pavement; perimeter road (1 km); drainage, electrical services and other associated work; (iii) Package 3: Aircraft Maintenance Base, Hangar Area and Exit Taxiways – to  provide space for aircraft maintenance facilities including international and domestic aircrafts  hangars-comprising site development (87,000 sqm), exit taxiways with asphalt concrete pavement (about 23,400 sqm), apron and pre-hangar area with cement concrete pavement (about 31,700 sqm), access road (about 1 km), drainage and electrical services; and (iv) Package 4: Temporary Terminal Building – to cater growing domestic air traffic-comprising  new terminal building (8,300 sqm floor area), site development, service roads, and car park.
  • Cost estimates and BoQ per package. Total cost estimate of above additional infrastructures is about US$ 28 M.
  • Preparation of PQ documents including PQ Evaluation Criteria for civil works contractors.
  • Preparation of bid documents for ICB and NCB contracts using pre-qualification and post-qualification methods of civil works procurements based on PWD Standard Bidding Documents (SBD)-Large and Medium Contracts. PWD SBD Large Contract is based on FIDIC Guidelines.

Phase II: Construction Phase

Construction supervision of works in two packages–(i) Package 1: Expansion of International Aircraft Apron (First Phase) and Equipment Yard  comprising site development, cement concrete pavement, drainage, electrical and other associated works (grease removal and repair of joint sealants from existing apron and equipment stand), NCB contract, FIDIC ; and (ii) Package 2: Runway and Taxiway Overlays comprising hot mix asphalt concrete resurfacing overlays of runway (3050×60 m) and 5 taxiways (total 85,000 sqm), ICB Contract, FIDIC. Total cost of the works contract was about US$ 4.5 million.

Road Network Project, Construction Supervision Consulting Services [ADB Loan No 2187-BHU], Bhutan



Client: Department Roads, Bhutan
Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Period: August 2008 to June 2011
Consulting Association: WSP Imc, UK, GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd, Nepal & Druk Consultancy, Bhutan
Approx. Value of Services: Total-US$ 1.19 Million; GEOCE’s part US$ 450,000
Professional Staff Input: International (27) Regional and National (108 and 90) person months.

Salient Details:

Road Network Project comprised of: (i) periodic maintenance, rehabilitation and improvement of Trongsa-Gelephu National Highway (i.e.NH3) in about 121 km selected sections (i.e. Gelephu-Tingtibi, 97.6 km and Kuenga Rabten – Trongsa, 23 km); construction of about 16 km realignment of NH3 (between Tingtibi and Wangdigang bridge): and upgrading of two bridges (Wangdigang and Yeshigang); and (ii) construction of 4 new feeder roads -111 km, which include Autsho-Garbagtang (54 km) and Kharthungla-Kangpara (34.5 km) in the east and Mirchim-Bongo (16.5 km) and Tekizam-Bjena(6.4 km) in the west. Moreover, the project will contribute to enhance capacity of DOR for managing road asset; and equip to develop private sector participation in domestic construction industry. The project cost is US$ 34.1 million.

The scope of services include Construction supervision of periodic maintenance of 121 km, Gelephu-Tingtibi and Kuenga Rabten-Trongsa sections of NH 3 and upgrading of Wangdigang and Yeshigang bridges (43 m and 34 m spans respectively, steel bridge with RCC deck) (divided into four contract packages GT01, GT02, GT03 and GT04) and 16 km new construction of realignment (Tingtibi-Wangdigang) of NH3 (divided into two contract packages GT05 and GT06); and construction of 4 feeder roads (Tekizam-Bjena, FR03, 6.4 km; Mirchim-Bongo,FR01, 16.5 km; and sections (Autsho-Gumrang, FR04, 15km; Garbatang-Chali, FR07,12 km and Kharungla-Growanchu, FR08,16.3 km) of Autsho-Garbagtang and Kharungla-Kangpara – total 66.1 km and 9 bridges-2 RCC and 7 Bailey bridges-18 to 58 m span) divided into 5 contract packages.