The firm’s specialized services in irrigation cover complete range of services from project identification to feasibility study, project preparation, detailed design, construction supervision, project management, operation and maintenance of the small to large scale irrigation projects developed based on concepts of ‘agency’, ‘joint’ and ‘participatory’ management. The services cover both surface and groundwater irrigation schemes.
The feasibility studies are carried out for new irrigation projects as well as those requiring upgrading/improvement, rehabilitation and maintenance. Upgrading/improvement may include essential structural improvement (ESI) for spot improvement to upgrading of system with additional infrastructures.

Drainage, Flood Protection and River Training
The planning, design and supervision of construction of drainage, flood protection and river training works requires the coordination of a wide variety of disciplinary activities including
- Hydrological studies
- Reservoir surveys
- Geomorphological studies
- Physical modeling
- Sediment monitoring
- Drainage
- River training
- Risk analysis and optimization
Hydrology and Sediment Studies
Sedimentation and erosion studies are generally directed to the estimation of sediment load in rivers and canals and the determination of catchments erosion rates. Based upon extensive experience in water resources projects involving the development of irrigation schemes, flood control and drainage works, etc. GEOCE has developed a high level of expertise in sedimentation and erosion studies.
Hydrological studies may form part of a range of projects, which cover all the main fields of water resources and irrigation engineering. The main areas of study for which analyses are undertaken include:
- Data analysis and verification
- Stochastic hydrology
- Flood analysis including magnitude, duration, frequency analysis drought analysis
- Rainfall-runoff modeling
- Regional studies including numerical surface algorithms reservoir operational and yield analysis.
- Basin studies for consumptive water use

Particular services GEOCE can offer include
- Design storm derivation
- Flood routing
- Sediment loading derivation
- Design of drainage
- Design of flood attenuation ponds river stability analyses
- Design of flood embankments and river diversion works