Client: Department of Irrigation
Funding Agency: European Commission
Period: January 1998 to July 2002
Consulting Association: GITEC Consult GmbH, GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd
Approx. Value of Services: GITEC- US$ 2.1 million, GEOCE- NRs 58.28 million
Professional Staff Input: International National (132) and National (829) person months
Salient Details:
The main aim of the project was to uplift the economic condition of the project area specific to the selected irrigation sub-projects by community based organization and activities by providing irrigation facilities to increase the agriculture production which would be the supported by number of activities such as environment protection, women development, non-formal education and agriculture extension service. Approximate Project Cost was EU 8.1 million.
Main scope of work included:
Design and implementation of irrigation systems in four districts (Kalikot, Surkhet, Dailekh and Banke) of Mid-Western Development Region covering 4,400 ha command area under the participatory scheme development and programme process. The details of services comprised of
- Preparation of inventory for potential irrigation resources;
- Development of participatory scheme development and programme process;
- Feasibility studies, detailed design and construction supervision of surface and groundwater irrigation sub-projects and related infrastructures (e.g. farm to market roads);
- Quality assurance and quality control in construction;
- Water management;
- Agriculture support and extension;
- Monitoring and evaluation;
- Environmental impact assessment, conservation and protection;
- Institutional development of community based organizations such as water users groups, forest users groups, non-formal education groups etc.;
- Training to the beneficiaries in various aspects of community development, implementation of development programmes such as irrigation system, farm roads, agriculture development programmes, community forest etc.; and
- Training to staff of Department of Irrigation, Department of Agriculture and NGOs in their respective fields.