Detailed Study for the Preparation of River Training Master Plan of West Rapti River, Banke


Client: Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention
Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Period: June 2007 to May 2009
Consulting Association: PRECAR-GEOCE JV
Approx. Value of Services: NRs 2.03 million, GEOCE- NRs 0.8 million
Professional Staff Input: National (14) person months

Salient Details:

Preparation of master plan of river training works of West Rapti River from Agaiya (East West Rapti) to Indo-Nepal Border.

The scope of services include

  • Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys of the West Rapti River from Agaiya to the foot of the hill up to the Indo-Nepal border (42 km) indicating existing river training works, damages caused by the river and spots prone to river bank retreat and inundation in future;
  • River-layout survey, Bench-Mark survey and Flood-mark survey simultaneously;
  • Bed sediment survey of the whole river reach at sample locations representing the bed sediment pattern;
  • Socio-economic impact assessment due to floods and erosions in the past 10 years by adopting RRA and PRA methodologies and identified required parameters for IEE study as per Environmental Regulation 2054;
  • Preparation of appropriate structural as well as non-structural flood mitigation measures such as watershed management, river control and community development components;
  • Socio-economic and river morphological impact assessment of the proposed flood mitigation plan and quantified the outcome;
  • Hydraulic and hydrologic analysis using HEC RAS software for simulating the flow derived for different return periods by inputting the X-sectional and L-sectional survey data obtained from the field survey. Determined the embankment height and other parameters and interpreted the results in GIS based module;
  • Identified the areas that would be reclaimed after the implementation of the proposed works and suggested ways in which such reclaimed land areas could be utilized for other purposes;
  • Detailed design/drawings and cost estimates of river control works  for the given river stretch West Rapti River;

Community Groundwater Irrigation Sector Project

Client: Department of Irrigation
Funding Agency: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Period: August 1998 to April 2006
Consulting Association: Canadian Centre for International Studies and Co-operation (CECI), GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd
Approx. Value of Services: CECI- US$ 2.4 million, GEOCE- NRs 10 million
Professional Staff Input: International National (200) and National (164) person months

Design and implementation of groundwater irrigation project to provide irrigation facilities to 60,000 ha of land and benefit 657,000 people of 110,000 households of which 50 percent live below the poverty line in 12 districts in the Terai of Central and Eastern Development Regions.

Salient Details:

The main objective of the project was to increase agricultural productivity on sustainable basis; to improve incomes of small farmers through participatory, demand driven and integrated group shallow tube well development, and increase capacity development of water users groups. The project covers 12 districts in the Tarai of Central and Eastern Development Regions. It will provide irrigation facilities to an additional 60,000 ha of land and benefit 657,000 people of 110,000 households of which 50 % live below the poverty line. The project is expected to have a direct and positive impact on crop production and farm incomes and increase rural employment opportunities and poverty alleviation.  Project Cost was US $ 42.8 million.

The scope of services consisted of preparation and implementation of Management Plan for institutional strengthening and capacity building of different units of the project viz. Project Management Unit, Environmental Unit, Groundwater Field Offices, Technology Transfer Centre and Training Unit, Shallow Tubewell Development Section.

The details of services comprised of

  • Farmer needs assessment among STW farmers in the Project area and assist in the planning of the irrigated agriculture research programs to be undertaken by Nepal Agriculture Research Centre;
  • Design and planning of activities to demonstrate improved irrigated agricultural techniques and crops to farmers and to motivate and training them to adoption of new approaches;
  • Development of an integrated pest management (program, including appropriate training courses for farmers and agricultural workers;
  • Preparation of the training programs including planning and co-ordination of the field training and the overseas tours,
  • Conduct training to Department of Irrigation, Department of Agriculture, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), PFI and NGO Staffs;
  • Planning and design of small technology transfer training to STW drillers and pump maintenance and repair mechanics;
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of the various trainings;