Client: Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention
Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Period: June 2007 to May 2009
Consulting Association: PRECAR-GEOCE JV
Approx. Value of Services: NRs 2.03 million, GEOCE- NRs 0.8 million
Professional Staff Input: National (14) person months
Salient Details:
Preparation of master plan of river training works of West Rapti River from Agaiya (East West Rapti) to Indo-Nepal Border.
The scope of services include
- Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys of the West Rapti River from Agaiya to the foot of the hill up to the Indo-Nepal border (42 km) indicating existing river training works, damages caused by the river and spots prone to river bank retreat and inundation in future;
- River-layout survey, Bench-Mark survey and Flood-mark survey simultaneously;
- Bed sediment survey of the whole river reach at sample locations representing the bed sediment pattern;
- Socio-economic impact assessment due to floods and erosions in the past 10 years by adopting RRA and PRA methodologies and identified required parameters for IEE study as per Environmental Regulation 2054;
- Preparation of appropriate structural as well as non-structural flood mitigation measures such as watershed management, river control and community development components;
- Socio-economic and river morphological impact assessment of the proposed flood mitigation plan and quantified the outcome;
- Hydraulic and hydrologic analysis using HEC RAS software for simulating the flow derived for different return periods by inputting the X-sectional and L-sectional survey data obtained from the field survey. Determined the embankment height and other parameters and interpreted the results in GIS based module;
- Identified the areas that would be reclaimed after the implementation of the proposed works and suggested ways in which such reclaimed land areas could be utilized for other purposes;
- Detailed design/drawings and cost estimates of river control works for the given river stretch West Rapti River;