Rural Access Program 2

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Client: DFID/Department of Local Infrastructure Development & Agricultural Roads
Funding Agency: Department for International Development
Period: October 2008 to December 2012
Consulting Association: WSP Imc, Helvetas Nepal, GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd
Approx. Value of Services: GEOCE’s part- NRs 38.4 million
Professional Staff Input: International (102) and National (624) person months. GEOCE’s part 330 person months

Salient Details

The Rural Access Programme (RAP) is a UK Government-funded poverty alleviation programme to improve the livelihoods of the poor and disadvantaged and marginalized group in the programme districts (Terahthum, Sankhuwasabha, Bhojpur, Khotang, Achham, Dailekh and Doti) through the improvement of access to valued services and goods. RAP also supports construction of supplementary infrastructure (water supply, health and education facilities, markets etc.) selected by communities along road corridors and provide funding for maintenance. It included capacity building and institutional support to develop local government capacity and benchmark district performance and support the harmonization of donor support into a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp). Green road approach followed in design and construction of roads.

In RAP 2, the scope of physical infrastructures included completion of 150 km rural roads. The roads include  Dipayal- Patihalane Road (22.3 km) km; Rajpur-Chamara-Chautara (31.1km); Timilsen-Ramasoshan (22.9 km); Kamal Bazar- Jhulaghar (15.3 km); Ramaghat-Singhasain (12 km); Desigade-Mahabu-(20.5 km); Chupra-Meheltoli (14.5 km); Diktel-Khotang Bazar (50 km); Bhojpur- Ghodetar (35 km); Hile Bhanjyang-Dingla (35km); Chainpur- Barahbise (36.2 km); Myanglung-Sankaranti (57 km). Program Cost is £35 million.

Services were provided for studies, design, construction, monitoring and evaluation to achieve physical rural access improvements together with social development aspects. These include:

  • Project preparation (survey, design, estimates and IEE) of rural roads
  • Bid documentation and procurements of works, goods and services (consultants, NGOs)
  • Construction supervision of road building (through small works contract, special building groups, road building groups)
  • Income generating activities (demand survey, planning and prioritization, implementation, participatory training)
  • Supplementary infrastructures (assistance to DDC, guideline preparation, advise on design and cost estimates of water supply, irrigation, community buildings)
  • Road maintenance works (assist to DDC on maintenance planning, train maintenance managers)
  • M & E (physical works, environmental mitigation monitoring, SED works, evaluation to find 2 best performing districts)

Development and Implementation of Additional Infrastructures of Tribhuvan International Airport as per TIA Master Plan 2015 (Design and Construction Supervision)

Client: Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)
Funding Agency: CAAN
Period: September 2008 to June 2012
Consulting Association: GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd, JOSHI Associates JV
Approx. Value of Services: Total NRs 15.92 million, GEOCE’s part- NRs 10.35 million
Professional Staff Input: National (120) person months, GEOCE’s part (110) person months

Salient Details

The Project was to develop additional infrastructures as per TIA Master Plan 2015 to enhance operational capacity of TIA. The consulting assignment was divided into two phases. Phase I: Design Phase comprised design of additional infrastructures – expansion of international apron (second phase); expansion and strengthening of domestic apron; aircraft maintenance base, hangar area and exit taxiways; and temporary domestic terminal building – divided into 4 packages. The cost estimates of these packages were US$ 24 million. This pahse also included preparation of pre-qualification and bid documents. Phase II: Construction Phase comprised of construction supervision of two packages of works (i) Package 1: Expansion of International Aircraft Apron (First Phase) and Equipment Yard  comprising site development, cement concrete pavement, drainage, electrical and other associated works (grease removal and repair of joint sealants from existing apron and equipment stand), NCB contract, FIDIC ; and (ii) Package 2: Runway and Taxiway Overlays comprising hot mix asphalt concrete resurfacing overlays of runway (3050×60 m) and 5 taxiways (total 85,000 sqm), ICB Contract, FIDIC. Total cost of the works contract was about US$ 4.5 million.

The project included design of following building:

  • Architectural, structural, MEP design of temporary terminal building (floor area 8,300 m2). Abundance of natural ventilation and light was emphasized in design.  
