Detailed Engineering Planning and Design of Irrigation System of Siddaniya Branch Canal of Sikta Irrigation Project


Client: Department of Irrigation
Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Period: February 2012 to July 2013
Consulting Association: PRECAR- GEOCE JV
Approx. Value of Services: Total- NRs 7.01 million, GEOCE’s part- NRs 2.82 million
Professional Staff Input: National (64) person months

Salient Details:

Detail survey and investigation (topography, geological socio-economic, agriculture, soil), planning and design and preparation of implementation plan of irrigation system (in block of 28 ha) and drainage system covering 3,000 ha command area of Siddaniya branch canal (off-taking at 30+050 of Main Canal) of Sikta Irrigation Project.

Main scope of work included:

  • Preparation of layout plan of the secondary and lower order canals to a level that enable water delivery to a block of 28 ha overlay the whole planning of such irrigation system on the topographical map.
  • Collection of information of existing irrigation schemes from secondary sources and from field.
  • Collection of socio-economic and agricultural data from secondary sources and from the field.
  • Collection of geological data from secondary sources and from the field.
  • Collection of hydro-meteorological data and assess irrigation water requirement for the Project Area.
  • Proposed suitable cropping patterns for the Project Area for with project condition.
  • Preparation of Irrigation system plan of the Project Area considering the available water in Rapti River and Mahakali River and the water requirement for Left Command Area.
  • Detailed survey of canal networks for command area development works of Chandani-Dodhara canal command.
  • Optimize canal system plan to the tune of available water to be optimally diverted from Rapti River towards the command area in the right bank of Rapti River.
  • Detailed design of canal system including canal and drainage structures and command area development works.
  • Preparation of drainage development plan and design field, tertiary as well as secondary level drainage systems including associated structures, outfall to natural stream and protection works where found necessary.
  • Preparation of detailed design drawings and cost estimates.
  • Preparation of implementation plan of canal system.

Upgrading/Widening of Roads to Six Lane Standard, Package 4: Rani-Biratnagar-Itahari-Dharan Road; Asset Management, Contract Management and Quality Control Project (ACQMP)

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Client: Department Roads
Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Period: July 2010 to May 2011
Consulting Association: GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd
Approx. Value of Services: NRs 6.46 million
Professional Staff Input: National (22) person months

Salient Details:

Package 4 of ACQMP comprised design, IEE and preparation of contract documents and Detailed Project Report (DPR) for upgrading/widening of 49 km section of Koshi Highway from Rani-Biratnagar-Itahari-Dharan (i.e. project road) to 6 lane standard. This package also included 3 bypass roads (i.e. Rani Bypass-5.2 km. Duhabi Bypass-1.54 km and Dharan Bypass-1.9 km) to ease road widening along major urban areas of Biratnagar, Duhabi and Dharan) and new bridges-Budhi Khola, SMIP Main Canal Crossing and Seuti Khola. The cost estimate for widening of project road, bypass roads and bridges is NRs 5,998.6 Million.

The scope of services was divided into 5 components:

Component 1: Detailed Design of Road and Other Structures

  • Engineering survey, road alignment improvement survey, road inventory survey, survey of utilities to be relocated, geotechnical survey, hydrological survey/drainage study, materials availability survey, traffic survey and road safety audit
  • Detailed design of alignment upgrading/widening and new alignment (in case of Duhabi Bypass); pavement (existing pavement-asphalt concrete overlay and reconstruction, new asphalt concrete pavement for widening, rigid pavement for bus laybys); drainage improvement (side drains, sub surface drain, culverts;  road side facilities (bus laybys, bus stop, bus shelter, side walk); and traffic and road safety measures (median and side barriers, guard rail and delineators; road markings and traffic signs; overhead traffic signs; traffic light signals and street lights); and utilities (electric, telecom, optical fiber and water supply) relocation.
  • Detail drawings and cost estimates and BoQ
  • Scheduling and contract packaging

Component 2: Detailed Design of Bridges

  • Engineering survey, hydrological analysis
  • Bridge site and bridge type study
  • Soil investigation (boring 168 m, SPT, sampling and lab testing)
  • Detailed design of bridges- Budhi Khola, 92 m, 2 lane with foot path, well foundation, pre-stressed; SMIP Main Canal Crossing, span 22 m, 6 lane with side walk, RCC T beam, open foundation; and Seuti Khola, 36 m, 2 lane, pre-stressed, open foundation)

Component 3: Initial Environmental Examination

  • Preparation of ToR
  • Property acquisition survey
  • IEE study

Component 4: Preparation of Contract Documents

  • Preparation of bid documents for each contract package
  • Preparation of special provisions of Technical Specifications

Component 5: Preparation of DPR

  • Preparation of report comprising summary of design and IEE