Client: Department of Irrigation & Department of Water-Induced Disaster Prevention
Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Period: April, 2013 to February 2019
Consulting Association: GITEC Consult GmbH, GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd & PRECAR
Approx. Value of Services: Total- US$ 405,853, NRs 98.19 M. GEOCE’s part- NRs 54 M
Professional Staff Input: International (18) and National (184) person months
Salient Details:
The main objectives of the WRPPF are: (i) detailed feasibility studies for high priority water resources projects; (ii) updating the Irrigation Master Plan; (iii) improving the environmental, social, and technical capacity of the Department of Irrigation (DOI) and the Department of Water-Induced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP); and (iv) efficient facility management.
The consulting services are provided covering following three aspects of the Facility:
- Improving the environmental, social and technical capacities of Department of Irrigation (DOI) and Department of Water Induced Disaster Management Prevention (DWIDP)
- Institutional capacity assessment and capacity development plan of DOI and DWIDP
- Efficient Facility management.
Main services under aspect 1) include (a) support to strengthen existing Environment Section of DOI as a Social and Environment Section and to establish Social and Environment Desk within DWIDP; (b) training needs assessment, design of training program and to enhance the capacities of DOI and DWIDP staff through effective formal and on-the-job training (including participation in preparing the ensuing projects); (c) to provide clear terms of reference of the Section and Desk; (d) preparation of environmental safeguard guideline on safeguard planning and implementation, Social Safeguard Guideline (involuntary resettlement guideline, indigenous people guideline) and gender and social inclusion guideline for DOI and DWIDP; and to provide ToT for the dissemination of the guidelines in the central, regional and division levels of DOI and DWIDP.
Similarly, under 2) the services include comprehensive assessment of the existing institutional capacity of DOI and DWIDP; preparation of needs assessment report including capacity development plan, staffing and budget; in-country and outside training to DOI and DWIDP staff in new and innovative technology, information science and management such as remote sensing, GIS, disaster preparedness planning and information sharing.
Under aspect 3) services are provided to assist Facility Management Unit (FMU) for procurement and project management of consulting services for detail feasibility study of high priority water resources projects, flood hazard mapping of priority river basins of Nepal and updating Irrigation Master Plan; provide guidance and supervision of these services.
Also carried out review of irrigation policy and drafted Irrigation Act, 2072.