Joint Venture of WAPCOS Limited, India and Nippon Koei Co. Ltd, Japan in association with TMS and GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd.
Approx. Value of Services:
Total USD 2.041 million including NRs NRs 133,098,000 (national consultant’s part)
Professional Staff Input:
International – 55 person months (pm), National-TMS 70 pm & GEOCE-48 pm
Salient Details
The consulting service is to carry out the detail engineering design and prepare bidding documents inclusive of tender drawings and construction plan of 104 MW project. The project is in lower reaches of Seti River and will utilize regulated flow from the tailrace of Tanahun Hydropower Project (140 MW, reservoir type) in addition to the flows of Madi River.
The scope of services comprises of the followings:
⦁ Review and validate existing surveys, studies and investigation; ⦁ Perform hydrological, sedimentology and hydraulic studies; ⦁ Conduct project optimization study; ⦁ Prepare detail design of project components, ⦁ Conduct power evacuation study, ⦁ Prepare cost estimates and construction plan, ⦁ Prepare bidding documents and tender drawings, ⦁ Prepare updated economic/financial analysis; ⦁ Analyze financial structure, financial plan and recommend the most appropriate structure/plan; and ⦁ Recommend appropriate institutional arrangement for project implementation.
The major components of the design include headworks (45 m high gated dam with 2 intakes), underground desilting basin, hearace tunnel (8 m dia, length 5.5 km), surge shaft (18 m dia, 56 m high), vertical drop shaft (7.2 m dia, 80 m high), steel penstock, surface powerhouse (60m x 24m x 43 m) and tailrace canal (length 250 m); electro-mechanical equipment (2 Francis turbines of 53.3 MW each, and 2 transformers of 62 MVA each).