TA-6568 NEP Priority River Basins Flood Risk Management Project - TACF TA Consulting Firm for Flood Risk Management and Asset Management Support (52195-001)

The main objective of the assignment is to support the government to implement the project by strengthening flood risk management planning of Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DWRI) and develop a flood infrastructure asset management system. The key outputs of the services of the TA consultant are as follows:

Output 1- Strategic Flood Risk Management Planning Improved

The TA will build capacity of Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DWRI), provincial governments and local governments (municipalities) in prioritizing flood protection works through consultant support and tailored training program. Support the implementation of the Priority River Basin Flood Risk Management Project.

Output 2- Flood infrastructure asset management system Improved

The TA will (i) support the DWRI to develop a simple asset management system for embankments (geographic information system-based open freeware), and (ii) will provide guidance to the DWRI on improving monitoring, evaluation, and maintenance of the flood management infrastructure.

Client: ADB/DWRI Funding Agency: ADB
Approx. May 2021 to May 2023 Approx. Value of Services: USD 915,000

Technical Assistance to implement Small Irrigation Programme (SIP) Phase – II

Technical assistance to implement programme to develop around 1,300 small irrigation schemes covering total irrigation area of 20,000 hectares benefitting more than 65,000 small farming households with an aim to double their agriculture income. The total budget of this programme is NRs. 5.7 billion (equivalent to 49.46 million Swiss Francs) among which Government of Switzerland will provide grants worth 17.60 million Swiss Francs (equivalent to NRs. 2.02 billion) and Government of Nepal will contribute 8.86 million Swiss Francs (equivalent to NRs. 1.02 billion). The Province 1 Government and participating Local Governments will contribute 20 per cent each of the total cost of the civil works while as Water Users Associations will bear 10 per cent of the civil works. The programme will be implemented by the Local Governments of 55 municipalities in the mid-hills of Province 1.

Client: SDC Funding Agency: SDC/Government of Switzerland/GON
Approx. July 2020 to Dec 2024 Approx. Value of Services: Swiss Franc 1.62 million

Program Management and Implementation Support Consultant (PMISC), Small Irrigation Programme (SIP) Phase – I

Program management and implementation of Small Irrigation Program to develop or improve approximately 14,305 ha command area in about 943 small irrigation systems in nine districts (Achham, Dailekh, Jajarkot, Kalikot, Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, Khotang, Udayapur and Sindhuli) of Nepal through a community managed driven process targeted to poor, women, and other disadvantaged groups. The program provided support for (i) rehabilitation of existing or construction of new run-off-the-river gravity surface water irrigation schemes; (ii) construction of water storage irrigation schemes with pipe conveyance systems; (iii) construction of small lift irrigation schemes; (iv) non-conventional irrigation development, and (v) institutional strengthening and capacity building of both the executing agency as well as the Water Users Associations (WUAs). The expected outcome is that participating farmers increase agricultural production to its full potential, which entail impact on increased food security. Productivity will be measured through (i) yields of major crops increased by at least 30% in project areas, and (ii) cropping intensity in irrigated areas increased by at least 20%. The program contract value was CHF 18.708 million (equivalent USD 20.39 million) and project administered cost was CHF 13.93 million (USD 15.18 million).

Client: SDC, Department of Local Infrastructure Funding Agency: SDC/Government of Switzerland
Approx. March 2015 to December 2020 Approx. Value of Services: CHR 946,440

Detailed Survey, Design and Estimate of Dodhara-Chandani Area of Mahakali Irrigation Stage III Area

Detailed survey, design and cost estimate preparation of irrigation system covering 3,510 ha command area from Dodhara-Chadani Main Canal of Mahakali Irrigation Project Stage III, and design of river training (36.4 km) of Jogbudha River, which flows along west and south border of the command area.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GON
Approx. April 2012 to January 2014 Approx. Value of Services: NRs 3,778,000

Detailed Engineering Planning and Design of Irrigation System of Siddaniya Branch Canal of Sikta Irrigation Project

Detail surveys and investigation (topography, geological socio-economic, agriculture, soil), planning and design and preparation of implementation plan of irrigation system (in block of 28 ha) and drainage system covering 3,000 ha command area of Siddaniya branch canal (off-taking at 30+050 of Main Canal) of Sikta Irrigation Project.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GON
Approx. February, 2012 to July 2013 Approx. Value of Services: NRs 7,018,430

Preparation of Subproject Preparation Report including IEE, Agricultural Development Plan and Livelihood Plan of 42 Irrigation Subprojects of Batch II; Community Managed Irrigated Agricultural Sector Project

Feasibility study and preparation of Sub-project Preparation Report (SPPR) of 42 irrigation subprojects of Batch II covering aggregate 5,106 ha command area. The scope of study also included IEE, Resettlement Plan, Agricultural Development Plan and Livelihood Enhancement Plan and preparation of Sub-project Preparation Report (SPPR). IEE Report and Resettlement Plan were carried out in accordance with Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) of Asian Development Bank.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: ADB/OPEC
Approx. July 2009 to December 2010 Approx. Value of Services: NRs 19,000,000

Canal Alignment Survey and Detail Engineering Design of Surkhet Valley Irrigation Development Project (First Phase)

Survey and design of irrigation system covering 2,900 ha (first phase). Services included geological survey, socio-economic survey, hydro-meteorological analysis, map preparation using GIS, irrigation system planning, agriculture planning, assessment of diversion requirement, canal system design, cost estimation, benefit assessment, economic analysis, and preparation of ToR for environment assessment

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GON
Approx. May 2007 to January 2008 Approx. Value of Services: NRs 758,569

Detailed Study for the Preparation of River Training Master Plan of West Rapti River, Banke

Preparation of master plan of river training works of West Rapti River from Agaiya (East West Rapti) to Indo-Nepal Border. Services include topographical survey of 42 km stretch of river length, sediment survey of the whole river reach at sample locations representing the bed sediment pattern; socio-economic impact assessment due to floods and erosions and identified required parameters for IEE study as per Environmental Regulation 2054, carried out hydraulic and hydrologic analysis and run HEC RAS software for simulating the flow derived for different return periods by inputting the X-sectional and L-sectional survey data obtained from the field survey. Determined the embankment height and other parameters and interpreted the results in GIS based module; identified the areas that would be reclaimed after the implementation of the proposed works and suggested ways in which such reclaimed land areas could be utilized for other purposes; detailed design/drawings for the given river stretch for River control works; cost estimate of proposed river training works

Client: Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention Funding Agency: GON
Approx. June, 2007 to May 2009 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 2,034,000

Irrigation Development Project, Mid - Western Development Region

Design and implementation of irrigation systems in four districts (Kalikot, Surkhet, Dailekh and Banke) of Mid-Western Development Region covering 4,400 ha command area under the participatory scheme development and programme process. The main aim of the project was to uplift the economic condition of the project area specific to the selected irrigation sub-projects by community based organization and activities by providing irrigation facilities to increase the agriculture production which would be the supported by number of activities such as environment protection, women development, non-formal education and agriculture extension service. Approximate Project Cost was EU 8.1 million.

Client: European Commission Funding Agency: European Commission
Approx. January 1998 to July 2002 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 58,280,000

Praganna Irrigation Project [KFAED Loan No. 552]

The project is to irrigate a gross command area of 6,684 ha (with population of about 31,700) on right bank of Rapti River in Deukhuri Valley of the Dang district. There are eighteen individual farmers managed irrigation systems (FMISs) having a total canal length of about 150 km. with different discharge capacities, command area and length with Rapti, Dolai and Kaudiya rivers as their sources of water. These systems were designed to integrate into two systems (one for Barahakhutti system and another for the rest) with controlled intakes under one project. Approximate project cost is NRs. 403 million.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: KFAED
Approx. April, 2000 to December, 2000 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 10,805,765

Community Groundwater Irrigation Sector Project

Design and implementation of groundwater irrigation project to provide irrigation facilities to 60,000 ha of land and benefit 657,000 people of 110,000 households of which 50 percent live below the poverty line in 12 districts in the Terai of Central and Eastern Development Regions. The main objective of the project is to increase agricultural productivity on sustainable basis; to improve incomes of small farmers through participatory, demand driven and integrated group shallow tube well development, and increase capacity development of water users groups. The project is expected to have a direct and positive impact on crop production and farm incomes and increase rural employment opportunities and poverty alleviation. The total cost of the project is estimated at US $ 42.8 million (including US$ 30 million from ADB and US$ 2.8 million grant of Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

Client : CIDA Funding Agency: CIDA
Period : August, 1998 to April, 2006 Approx. Value of Services : NRs. 10,000,000

Capacity Building Training for Water User's Association in East Rapti Irrigation Project [ADB TA No 1969-NEP]

The East Rapti Irrigation Project has rehabilitated farmers managed irrigation schemes in the project area covering about 5,200 ha. The existing water users association (informal) were hesitant to take up the new dimensions of their scheme. A coordination committee was formed for the interest of the water users association within the project command area. Capacity building training programs were provided for the revitalisation of the Water Users Associations (WUAs).

Client: Asian Development Bank Funding Agency: ADB
Approx. August, 1998 to November, 1998 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 1,600,000

Study on Socio - economic and Irrigated Agricultural Aspects in the West Gandak Irrigation System

Assessment of various constraints faced in agriculture production and other related activities such as role of WUAs, their participation in O & M, on farm water management etc. The study made recommendation for improved packages and training programs for increased and sustained agriculture production and better irrigation system for the project with 10,300 ha command area

Period: February, 1996 to June, 1996Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 181,000,000

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GoN

Master Plan Preparation of Bagmati - Bishnumati River Improvement Works

Master plan of river bank and flood improvement work of Bagmati and Bishnumati River in Kathmandu valley.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GoN
Approx. April, 1996 to July, 1996 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 823,100,000

Rajapur Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

The project consists of one of the largest farmer managed irrigation schemes in Nepal. It comprises 15,800 GCA and 13,160 CCA on the island formed by Karnali and Genuwa rivers. The project area covers 11 VDCs and population of 98,615 (census 2000). Existing 6 systems were integrated to a single irrigation project. Main features of the project comprised rehabilitation of irrigation systems including headworks/intake at Karnali and Genuwa; irrigation distribution structures; river training and flood control management, drainage; construction of road (total 37 km) and bridges (total 8 nos. above 10 m span). The project cost was approximately US $ 20 million.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: ADB
Approx. March, 1994 to December, 2000 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 11,500,000

Feasibility Study on the Rehabilitation for Government Developed Irrigation Scheme in the Kathmandu Valley

Feasibility study for the rehabilitation of thirteen (13) agency managed irrigation schemes in the Kathmandu Valley.

Client: JICA Funding Agency: JICA
Approx. April, 1994 to May, 1994 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 176,700

Preparation Mission on Intensification of Small Farming and Ethnic Group Development of the Mid and Far - Western Terai

Project preparation to develop groundwater resources for small farming in six districts viz Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali and Kanchanpur district in Mid and Far-Western Development Regions.

Client: IFAD/FAO Funding Agency: FAO
Approx. May, 1994 to June, 1994 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 220,000

Technical Assistance to Irrigation Line of Credit Pilot Project

Technical assistance to Department of Irrigation (DOI) to consolidate, improve and extend the Irrigation Line of Credit (ILC) implementation processes; strengthen the capacity of DOI/ILC units so as to efficiently institutionalize the project cycle approach on a sustainable basis; and compile and consolidate ILC experience so as to facilitate the conversion of the ILC Pilot Project to a fully fledged programme covering the three western development regions.

Client : Department of Irrigation Funding Agency : WB
Approx. June, 1994 to July, 1997 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 12,120,000

Mahakali Irrigation Project - Stage II (Construction Phase)

Advisory services for agriculture development activities in Stage I area comprising 4,800 ha CCA.

Client : Department of Irrigation Funding Agency : WB
Approx. December, 1994 to December, 1996 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 650,000

Feasibility Study on Rajkudwa Irrigation Project

Feasibility study conducted to formulate irrigation development plan in 5,000 ha area.

Client: JICA Funding Agency: JICA
Approx. January, 1993 to February, 1993 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 200,000

Feasibility Study, Detail Design and Project Preparation of Brahamadev Irrigation Project

Feasibility study, detail design and project preparation of 5,000 ha Terai irrigation project.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GoN
Approx. April, 1993 to May, 1994 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 3,600,000

Master Plan Study on the Rehabilitation for Government Developed Irrigation Scheme in the Kathmandu Valley

Surveys (farm and soil) carried out for 16 irrigation sub-projects covering total 4,400 ha command area in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts.

Client: JICA Funding Agency: JICA
Approx. April, 1993 to June, 1993 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 610,000

Groundwater Study for Small Farm and Ethnic Group Development in Mid and Far West Terai

The groundwater study in Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali and Kanchanpur districts for the project preparation of Small Farm and Ethnic Group Development in Mid and Far West Terai Project.

Client : IFAD Funding Agency : FAO
Approx. December, 1993 to January, 1994 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 117,150

Strengthening PPME in Narayani Zone Irrigation Project (NZIDP)

Technical assistance to the Department of Irrigation at project level to plan and implement programs to strengthen the institutional capability of the NZIDP in project planning, monitoring and evaluation (PPME) activities; and organize farmers' organizations in the pilot area.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: SDC
Approx. February, 1992 to June, 1993 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 2,100,000

Reappraisal of Khutiya River Irrigation Project, Phase II

Participation with UNCDF Re-appraisal Mission for the reappraisal of the project.

Client: UNCDF/UNDP Funding Agency: UNCDF
Approx. February, 1992 to March, 1992 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 74,550

Irrigation Management Transfer Project (ADB TA 1435-NEP)

Feasibility study and preparation of an investment project for turnover and participatory management of irrigation schemes covering an aggregate area of 90,000 ha.

Client : ADB Funding Agency : ADB
Approx. November, 1992 to June, 1993 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 2,250,000

Irrigation Management Project

Technical assistance to Department of Irrigation to institutionalize community based participatory approach in irrigation development within the Department; and to improve and strengthen institutional capability of DOI and farmers organization in planning, implementation and management of irrigation schemes.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: USAID
Approx. January, 1991 to June, 1995 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 20,850,000

Case Studies for a Manual on Appropriate Design of Hill Irrigation Schemes

Study for the preparation of an appropriate design manual for hill irrigation schemes.

Client : ILO Funding Agency : ILO
Approx. September, 1991 to December, 1991 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 225,000

Budget and Accounting Review of the Department of Irrigation

Review of Department of Irrigation (DOI)'s annual programming and budgeting processes, accounting system and financial reporting system, foreign loan administration, management information system; analysis of major problems encountered and recommendation for improvement.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: WB
Approx. October, 1990 to December, 1990 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 175,000

Feasibility Study of Naya Belhani Irrigation Project

Detail feasibility study of 4356 ha terai irrigation project

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GoN (Government of Nepal)
Approx. January, 1989 to July, 1989, 1989 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 400,000

Feasibility Study of Dhoba Khola Irrigation Project

Detail feasibility study of 120 ha hill irrigation project

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GoN
Approx. February, 1989 to July, 1989 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 250,000

Medium Scale Irrigation: Arjun Khola

Prefeasibility study for the rehabilitation and improvement of six (6) farmer managed irrigation schemes comprising 2,284 ha command area in Dang District.

Client: European Economic Community Funding Agency: UNCDF/UNDP
Approx. February, 1989 to July, 1989 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 360,000

Feasibility Study of Fawa Khola Irrigation Project

Detail feasibility study of 120 ha hill irrigation project

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GoN
Approx. March, 1989 to July, 1989 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 250,000

East Rapti Irrigation Project

Detail engineering design of irrigation works for 9,000 ha.

Client: Nippon Koei Co. Ltd. Funding Agency: ADB
Approx. March, 1989 to June, 1989 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 1,150,000

Mahakali Irrigation Project - Stage II (Construction Phase)

Construction supervision (quality control) of irrigation works covering 6,800 ha CCA.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: WB
Approx. September, 1989 to December, 1993 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 650,000

Irrigation Sector Project-Subproject Assessment Study

Appraisal, feasibility assessment and project preparation for development of eleven (11) farmer managed irrigation schemes (covering total 2,220 ha area) in Dhanusha, Sindhuli and Ramechhap districts.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: ADB
Approx. December, 1989 to March, 1990 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 521,000

Detail Engineering of Khutiya River Irrigation Project, Phase II (NEP/89/001)

Detail design of project to improve and extend Phase I irrigation network up to 1,500 ha including headwork for whole 5000 ha area.

Client : UNCDF/UNDP Funding Agency : UNCDF/UNDP
Approx. December, 1989 to February, 1990 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 248,650

Mahakali Irrigation Project Stage II (Design Phase)

Assistance to design of irrigation works in Stage II covering 6,800 ha CCA.

Client: Sir William Halcrow & Partners Funding Agency: WB
Approx. May, 1987 to August, 1987 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 225,000

Rehabilitation Study of Rampurtar Irrigation Project

Rehabilitation study of 210 ha hill irrigation scheme damaged by landslides and washout of headwork due to river action.

Client: Department of Irrigation Funding Agency: GoN
Approx. June, 1987 to July, 1987 Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 195,000