Detailed Engineering Design & IEE Study of Jugada Budhi Ganga Hydropower Project (20.2 MW)
Project Info
Power & Energy
Department of Electricity Development
Funding Agency:
Government of Nepal
July 2019 to July 2022
Consulting Association:
Joint Venture of GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd, Technoquarry & NEDC in association with BEAM Consultants (P) Ltd.
Approx. Value of Services:
Total NRs 34,754,900, GEOCE’s part NRs 15,640,000
Professional Staff Input:
118 person months
Salient Details
The consulting service is to conduct feasibility study, detailed engineering design and IEE study of the project (20.1 MW) and prepare study report covering technical, financial, socio-economic, institutional, environmental and any other relevant aspects of project development.
The scope of services is carried out in following components:
⦁ Feasibility study ⦁ Detailed Engineering Design ⦁ IEE study
Feasibility Study
⦁ Data review ⦁ Desk study and field reconnaissance survey, analyze available data and identify data gap of previous study ⦁ Carry out preliminary project layout and configuration based examine alternatives of project component ⦁ Conduct engineering survey (topographical surveys), hydro-metrological surveys and hydrological studies, geological surveys-geological mapping, geophysical investigation, seismic study, construction materials surveys and testing ⦁ Alignment survey of transmission line ⦁ Analysis of field surveys and investigation tests ⦁ Optimization study of project scheme ⦁ Preliminary design of project components ⦁ Conduct economic and financial analysis ⦁ Recommend best feasible alternative for detailed engineering design
Detailed Engineering Design
⦁ Detailed field investigation (hydrological and sediment studies, geotechnical investigations including core drilling, GLOF study, muck disposal survey, power evacuation surveys, transmission line surveys, access road and cross-drainage structure surveys for selected option for detailed engineering design ⦁ Detailed engineering design of civil structures, hydromechanical equipment, electro-mechanical equipment.
Main design features include: ⦁ Diversion Weir (45 m), Intake (side intake), Under sluice, Gravel Trap, Desilting basin, headrace canal (1050 m), headrace tunnel (D-shaped, 3 m dia, 5300 m length), surge tank, surface powe house and tail race canal ⦁ Transmission Line, 33 Kv, single circuit, length 8 km for grid connection to Budhi Ganga Small HEP ⦁ Substation (2 transformers 24200 KVA, 66/33 Kv, 2x 12500 kVA generators, switchyards) ⦁ Detailed drawing ⦁ Detailed cost estimates ⦁ Preparation of tender documents ⦁ Analysis of institutional arrangements for project implementation ⦁ Preparation of Detailed Project Reports
IEE Study (as per EPA, 1997 and EPR, 1998)
⦁ Delineate the project areas to be covered in the IEE study ⦁ Collect baseline environmental condition (physical, biological, socio-economic, and cultural) of the project area ⦁ Identify, examine, and assess project implementation activities of hydropower project, transmission line and substation, access and project road, camp site and office complex, quarry site etc ⦁ Identify and predict key physical, biological, socio-economic, and cultural positive and negative impacts and issues associated with project implementation. ⦁ Identify project affected persons, identify potential areas for resettlement requirements of the displaced families. ⦁ Propose mitigation measures to avoid or minimize potential adverse environmental impacts and suggest enhancement measures to enhance the beneficial impacts. ⦁ Prepare an environmental management plan to implement the proposed mitigation measures ⦁ Prepare environmental monitoring plans ⦁ Prepare IEE report