ADB TA 9457-NEP, Institutional Strengthening of Nepal Rural Road Sector for Sustainable Development, Consulting Services (48218-003)
The main objective of the consulting services is to support the Government of Nepal through Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration and DoLIDAR in improving [rural road] sector management performance by implementing institutional development initiatives. The focus of the TA was to “(i) redefine and restructure the Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR) to a state-of-the-art sub-national road agency; and (ii) implement new business procedures and provide training to DoLIDAR, provincial and district officials to enable DoLIDAR to restructure and adopt a new institutional and management structure. New business procedures will cover (i) procurement and contracting processes; (ii) planning processes; (iii) quality assurance systems; and (iv) engineering (pavement design, road maintenance, and road safety).
Client: Department of Local Infrastructure/ADB | Funding Agency: ADB |
Period: January 2019 to May 2020 | Approx. Value of Services: USD 918,500 |
Improving the Resilience of Nepal’s Strategic Roads Network
The main objective of this TA project is to assess and advise on the future climate and seismic risks to road investments in Nepal. This is being achieved through disaster and climate risk assessments of eight national road corridors (Chhichu-Jajarkot, 108 km; Khodpe-Chainpur, 101 km; Satbanj-Darchula, 110 km; Satbanj-Tripurasundari, 7 km; Sitalpati-Musikot, 82 km; Surkhet-Jumla, 207 km; Tallodungeswar-Dailekh, 25 km and Mugling-Narayanghat, 36 km) and integrated risk mitigation planning for identified hotspot areas. The scope of work were to (i) conduct climate and disaster risk assessment for transport infrastructure assets for floods, landslides and seismic hazards; (ii) conduct an assessment of current and future network costs associated with the disruption of use of the priority national road network by the hazard identified; (iii) develop a dynamic, interactive, user-friendly Decision Support System (DSS) for mitigation planning; (iv) identify, prioritize and plan mitigation options to increase the resilience of roads and bridges; (v) build the capacity of GoN technical staff on climate change risk assessment and mitigation planning and decision-making; and (vi) promote replication and sustainability through dissemination of project data, analysis and results. The deliverables include various reports and guidance notes on Disaster and Climate Risk Assessment and Hotspots Identification, Risk Mitigation Planning for Hotspot Areas, Road Network Criticality Assessment and Decision-Support System for Risk-Informed Road Development.
Client : Department of Roads | Funding Agency : World Bank |
Period : June 2018 to July 2019 | Approx. Value of Services : USD 199,000 |
Water Resources Project Preparatory Facility: Package 1 Facility Management and Capacity Building (ADB Grant no 0299-NEP)
The main objectives of the project are: (i) detailed feasibility studies for high priority water resources projects; (ii) updating the Irrigation Master Plan; (iii) improving the environmental, social, and technical capacity of the Departments of Irrigation (DOI) & Water-Induced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP); & (iv) efficient facility management.
The consulting services were provided covering following three aspects of the Facility:
Improving the environmental, social and technical capacities of Department of Irrigation (DOI) and Department of Water Induced Disaster Management Prevention (DWIDP)
Institutional capacity assessment and capacity development plan of DOI and DWIDP
Efficient Facility management.
Main services under aspect 1) include (a) support to strengthen existing Environment Section of DOI as a Social and Environment Section and to establish Social and Environment Desk within DWIDP; (b) training needs assessment, design of training program and to enhance the capacities of DOI and DWIDP staff through effective formal and on-the-job training (including participation in preparing the ensuing projects); (c) to provide clear terms of reference of the Section and Desk; (d) preparation of environmental safeguard guideline on safeguard planning and implementation, Social Safeguard Guideline (involuntary resettlement guideline, indigenous people guideline) and gender and social inclusion guideline for DOI and DWIDP; and to provide ToT for the dissemination of the guidelines in the central, regional and division levels of DOI and DWIDP.
Similarly, under 2) the services include comprehensive assessment of the existing institutional capacity of DOI and DWIDP; preparation of needs assessment report including capacity development plan, staffing and budget; in-country and outside training to DOI and DWIDP staff in new and innovative technology, information science and management such as remote sensing, GIS, disaster preparedness planning and information sharing.
Under 3) services were provided to assist Facility Management Unit (FMU) for procurement and project management of consulting services for detail feasibility study of high priority water resources projects, flood hazard mapping of priority river basins of Nepal and updating Irrigation Master Plan; provide guidance and supervision of these services. Also carried out review of irrigation policy and drafted Irrigation Act, 2072.
Client: Department of Water Resources Irrigation | Funding Agency: ADB |
Period: April, 2013 to February 2019 | Approx. Value of Services: USD 340,380 & NRs 98,196,000 |
Project Management and Capacity Building Consultants, Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport Project [ADB Loan No./Grant No. -2656/0212-NEP (SF)]
The Project is to improve the quality of urban life in the capital of Nepal, through the delivery of a more efficient, safe, and sustainable Urban Transport System (UTS), favoring local economic growth and addressing climate change and air pollution mitigation. The UTS will be enhanced by focusing on (i) a plan to rationalize and upgrade the existing public transport network, and the test of this approach through the implementation of pilot routes provided with electric or other low emission vehicles; (ii) traffic management works and measures, which will enable heritage routes in the city cores to be pedestrianized, and will improve general walkability; and (iii) the improvement of air quality monitoring. Total project cost is US$ 30.42 million.
The services of Project Management and Capacity Building Consultants (PMCBC) were to provide overall management support to Project Management and Coordination Office (PMCO) in planning, managing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating all Projects related activities. The PMCBC also assisted the five Project Implementation Units (PIUs) established at five Implementing Agencies (IAs)- Ministry of Environment, Department of Roads, Department of Transport Management, Metropolitan Traffic Police Division and Kathmandu Metropolitan City for the project, through the PMCO, in various project implementation activities.
Client: Ministry of Physical Planning, Works and Transport | Funding Agency: ADB |
Period: July, 2012 to October, 2017 | Approx. Value of Services: NRs 69,800,000 |
Institutional Strengthening and Project Management Consultant, Community-Managed Irrigated Agriculture Sector Project [ADB Loan Number 2102 NEP (SF)]
The overall goal of the Community-Managed Irrigated Agriculture Sector Project (CMIASP) is to promote inclusive economic growth while reducing poverty in the rural areas of the Central and Eastern Development regions of Nepal. Its specific objective is to improve agriculture productivity and sustainability of existing small and medium-size farmer-managed irrigation systems (FMIS) suffering from low productivity and high poverty incidence, and thus enhance the livelihood of poor men and women including ethnic minorities and dalit. To achieve the objective, the Project will (i) provide improved means for WUA empowerment, irrigation facilities, agriculture extension, and targeted livelihood enhancement to build the human capital of the poor including women and traditionally neglected disadvantaged groups; and (ii) strengthen policies, plans, and institutions for more responsive service delivery and sustained impacts.
The Project has two main components: (i) participatory irrigated agriculture development for FMIS, and (ii) institutional strengthening and project management (ISPM). The output of the first component is substantially improved agricultural productivity and reduced poverty in over 34,000 ha of land (about 210 FMIS), including 8,500 ha of expanded command area, and improved livelihood for over 270,000 poor men and women. The second component will culminate in operation of mechanisms for improved service delivery to develop productive and sustainable FMIS through (i) further improved irrigation policies, regulations, and plans; (ii) strengthened DOI (in terms of human resources and management capacity), DOA, local governance institutions (LGIs), and WUAs; and (iii) enhanced institutional linkages to deliver services in coordination with NGOs and the private sector.
Consultancy services for institutional support and project management assistance to Department of Irrigation and Department of Agriculture in project implementation. Key areas of support/assistance comprised assistance to policy and institutional actions between GoN and ADB, establishment of MIS, GIS, help implementing agencies in supervision and quality control of construction works, assist and carry out feasibility study and preparation of sub-project implementation plans, prepare guideline for IEE Report and Resettlement Plan, monitoring and evaluation of development plans, carry out and assist in survey, detailed design, cost estimates, contract document of irrigation sub-projects, conduct training programs, etc.
Client: Department of Irrigation | Funding Agency: ADB |
Period: August, 2006 to September 2013 | Approx. Value of Services: Euro 869,600 & NRs 141,973,000 |
Nepal Irrigation Sector Project, Institutional Development of Department of Hydrology and Meteorology [IDA Credit No: 3009 NEP]
Main scope of services consisted of hydrometric and sediment observation works, processing, analysis and interpretation and publication of data for 92 hydrometric stations and Basin wise water availability study in 77 basins (determination of basin characteristics to provide adequate knowledge about seasonal availability of surface water primarily for irrigation development and secondarily for hydropower generation, water supply and for other multipurpose uses) in Western, Mid-Western and Far-Western Development Regions of Nepal and support for institutional strengthening of Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) in hydrological, sediment and meteorological data base management and installation of GIS System, development of computer programs (for processing discharge measurements, rainfall-runoff analysis, flood routing, flow duration curves, determination of PMP and PMF, flow forecasting models and development of sediment load estimation for the region), and to provide in-house training to DHM staff in data handling, processing and use of computer software.
Client: Department of Hydrology & Meteorology | Funding Agency: World Bank |
Period: January, 2000 to June, 2002 | Approx. Value of Services: NRs. 45,000,000 |
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